Birthday Celebrations in Room 3

Everyone wants to be remembered and cherished on the special day that they were born. The Montessori Birthday Walk is a lovely way to celebrate a child's birthday in a school setting.

Children love to hear about the journey from their birth to the present day. They want to hear stories, look at photos, and remember wonderful memories. They want to know how cherished they are, and how our life and world is better because they were born into their family or now belong to our class. 

This year in Room 3, I will be asking each parent to send in a picture of their child as a baby. Each child will get the opportunity to share their picture and some of their favourite memories from previous birthdays. 

We will then sing Happy Birthday as well as learn and use sign language to sign Happy Birthday. We will celebrate weekend birthday either on the Friday or the Monday as well as celebrate our July and August birthdays in June. 


As we are still respecting health protocols, we ask that no items come from home (edible or non-edible treats). Thank you for your understanding. 

I will send each of you a reminder e-mail close to your child's birthday. 


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